Manufactured Home Loan Information

Manufactured Home Loan Information
Thank you for your interest in Orange County’s Credit Union! We proudly serve the areas of Orange, Los Angeles, San Bernardino, and Riverside counties. As a not-for-profit, Member-owned cooperative, profits are returned to our Members through better rates and fewer fees than traditional banks typically offer.
Interested in learning more about our Manufactured Home Loans?
Thank you for your interest in Orange County’s Credit Union! We proudly serve the areas of Orange, Los Angeles, San Bernardino, and Riverside counties. As a not-for-profit, Member-owned cooperative, profits are returned to our Members through better rates and fewer fees than traditional banks typically offer.
- Get prequalified in 24 hours
- Specializing in homes in parks/communities
- Single or multi-wide
- Competitive rates
- Low down payments
- No upfront fees
- Local lender
Interested in learning more about our Manufactured Home Loans?