Savings Calculators
What are you saving for? They say the best goals are S.M.A.R.T. ones!
- Specific - What are you saving for? Maybe it's a new couch or a weekend getaway. Give it a label to make it real.
- Measurable - Think of the specific dollar amount you need to save, not a vague figure, rather an exact sum.
- Attainable - It has to be something you can realistically accomplish in the timeframe you want. Keep it real and you'll be set up to succeed.
- Realistic - Decide how much you could afford to contribute on a regular schedule without hurting your budget.
- Timely - Set a deadline to reach your goal and make regular check-ins along the way to keep yourself on track.
Step 1 - Set Aside Part of Your Income
The easiest way to do this is with Direct Deposit. Give your employer the routing number, 322281989, and your account number. Watch the video to see how you can locate your own account info using our app. Most employers have a Direct Deposit form, but if they ask for ours, you can download it here.
Step 2 - Rename Your Account
Give your account a specific name, such as our example in the video below, New Laptop. You could even put your savings goal dollar amount in the title.
Step 3 - Fund Your Special Savings Account
Set up a transfer to go right into your special account at regular intervals. For example, it could be every pay day.
Step 4 - Keep a Pulse on Your Goal
It helps to check in on your savings growth regularly. Set up an alert like our example video. You can choose to be notified by text message, push notification, or email.