A Safe, Sound, Solid Choice for Your Banking
Your Savings are Safe with Us!
Orange County's Credit Union continues to be in a strong position financially. The Credit Union is considered well-managed with low risk by the NCUA and the California Department of Financial Institutions. We follow prudent, conservative lending practices and do not participate in high-risk, non-traditional lending. You can feel confident about your choice to bank at Orange County's Credit Union. We're proud of our strong financial condition.
Your Savings are Federally Insured to $250,000
Your savings at Orange County’s Credit Union are federally insured up to $250,000 by the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF). The NCUSIF insurance coverage is the same as that provided for the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), which insures bank deposits. Not one penny of insured savings has ever been lost by a Member of a federally insured credit union.
What types of Credit Union accounts are covered?
Your deposits at Orange County's Credit Union are insured to $250,000 on all types of share deposits: checking, savings, money markets, and share certificates.
Who is the NCUA?
The National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) is the federal government agency that administers NCUSIF, a federal fund backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Government to insure deposits in federal and most state-chartered credit unions.
For information about the NCUA, visit www.ncua.gov.
What if I have multiple accounts that exceed $250,000?
Additional insurance is available on multiple accounts based on ownership interest. For example, if you have an individual account containing $250,000, and a joint account with your spouse containing $250,000, each account is insured separately for a total coverage of $500,000. Beneficiaries are also insured up to $250,000 as long as they don't have interest in any other accounts. For additional questions regarding beneficiaries, please contact us at (888) 354-6228.
We value your Membership and the trust you've placed in us for more than 80 years. Your deposits are secure at Orange County's Credit Union, so you can continue to invest with confidence.
What’s the difference between the NCUSIF and FDIC?
When consumers deposit money into an account at a bank with deposit insurance, their funds are typically covered by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). That coverage is very similar to (and just as safe as) that provided by the NCUSIF.
Here's how the two institutions compare:
- The NCUSIF and FDIC both serve as independent federal agencies that insure customer deposits.
- The FDIC protects deposits at banks, while the NCUSIF protects funds at credit unions.
- Each entity insures deposits up to $250,000, per person, per registered account, per institution.
- Both entities cover money in the following types of accounts: checking, savings, money market, CD, and certain other accounts.
- Neither entity covers the following: stocks, bonds, Treasury securities, mutual funds, annuities, or life insurance.
What share accounts are covered by the NCUSIF?
The NCUSIF covers deposits in Members’ “share” accounts. Examples include:
- Checking accounts
- Savings accounts
- Money market accounts
- Certificates of deposit (CDs)
What are the basic NCUA coverage limits?*
- Single Ownership Accounts (owned by one person with no beneficiaries): $250,000 per member-owner
- Joint Ownership Accounts (two or more persons with no beneficiaries): $250,000 per owner (with the primary owner a member of the credit union)
- IRAs and other certain retirement accounts: $250,000 per member-owner
- Revocable trust accounts: Each member-owner is insured up to $250,000 for each eligible beneficiary named or identified in the revocable trust, subject to limitations and requirements.
- Irrevocable trust accounts: Each owner (so long as all owners OR all beneficiaries are members of the credit union) is insured up to $250,000 for each beneficiary named or identified in the irrevocable trust, subject to specific limitations and requirements. Coverdell Education Savings Accounts, formerly education IRAs, are insured as irrevocable trust accounts.
A qualifying eligible beneficiary must be a natural person, or a charitable organization or non-profit entity under the Internal Revenue Code.
*These share insurance coverage limits refer to the total of all shares that account owners have at each federally insured credit union. The listing above shows only the most common ownership types that apply to individual and family shares, and assumes that all NCUA requirements are met.
Is it possible to have more than $250,000 at one federally insured credit union and still be fully covered?
Account holders may qualify for more than $250,000 in coverage if they own share accounts in different ownership categories. The most common account ownership categories for individual and family shares are single owner accounts, joint accounts, certain retirement accounts, revocable trust accounts, and irrevocable trust accounts.
Is there a cost for the NCUSIF insurance?
NCUSIF insurance is “free.” Members don’t pay a separate fee for coverage, and don’t need to sign up. To be more precise, deposit accounts at federally insured credit unions automatically include coverage (other accounts might not be insured, as described above). The credit union pays the cost of deposit insurance.
Where does the money in the NCUSIF come from?
Credit unions contribute to the fund by premiums into the Share Insurance Fund. The NCUA can also collect additional premium if the need arises. If for some reason, the fund runs dry, it's backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government. In other words, the U.S. Treasury could provide funds to reimburse account holders against losses. In the history of the fund, it has never run dry and has never needed the outside assistance of the government. Additionally, credit union members have never lost even a penny of insured savings at a federally insured credit union.
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